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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weston 9 Months

Weston is 9 months old now and what a challenge he has been for me! He is constantly getting into trouble, bugging his sister, eating stuff that he shouldn't be, attacking the poor dog, and just being a major BOY!

Some of his favorite things to do now are play patty cake, blow raspberries on my stomach, cruise in the pink walker, and flip through books. I am really enjoying watching him look at things intensely and try to figure things out. When he is feeling really brave he stands all on his own. To me, it seems like a long period of time, but I think its only about 20 seconds or longer if he is distracted enough. He can get around pretty fast with crawling, almost too fast for this momma!

Weston now has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. He has started to refuse baby food and only wants to eat what he can feed himself. This has been a frustrating thing for me trying to find things that are ok for him to eat. So far crackers and cheerios seem to be the easiest thing to give him.

At his 9 month appointment, Weston weighed in at nearly 25 pounds and is in the 97th percentile for weight and height.

We are currently working on some sleep training in hopes to get this boy to sleep through the night and to take better naps during the day. Here's hoping!

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