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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well, it's time to ring in the New Year. Not sure where the excitement has gone that usually comes with ringing in a new year... perhaps I am finally realizing that the new year doesn't really bring on any great triumphs. At least no more than normal, who needs a new year resolution anyways? Ok, I guess I do. There are many things that I would like to achieve in the coming year, but finding time and motivation is the problem. Maybe I should start small? Or maybe I should start big?

I suppose..

I suppose its about time I get to blogging. I only made this account nearly 7 months ago. I had good intentions.. really, I did.

I am becoming a blogger in the mere hopes of inspiring someone. I am not sure how yet, but that is my hope.

I stumbled across a news story about a local St. Paul woman who was an avid blogger, a mother, a journalist, a wife, and a victim to cancer. This brave woman wrote about her trials good and bad. I found her blog in the worst of instances. Her husband had just published a statement saying that she had passed away. My heart just aches for this family. How could something good come out of something so horrible? This woman referred to a gentleman in one of her recent entries. A man by the name of Matt Logelin. He and his wife were expecting their first child. After 5 weeks of bed rest and a premature birth the new mother got up to visit her baby for the first time. She passed out and died before she even got to say hello. These people have such hardships in their lives, yet they blog about it for us all to read. It inspired me, so I am hoping to find a way to inspire others.

Welcome to my crazy thoughts and I hope to be more entertaining in the future. As you can probably tell, I am not a good writer nor am I am good story teller... have mercy on me, please.
