The following day we both had a Drs appointment. She had her two year check up and is checking in very good! She weighs 32 lbs and is 36 inches tall. Making her real close to the 95 percentile of both categories. The Dr was looking for 2 word sentences, but Alivia surprised her with 5 word sentences. She is definitley a talker!
My appointment was a rather long one, so we left Alivia with Grandma Sally. I had to get briefed on what I am in for as far as having a baby (as if I didn't already know everything they were telling me) and then I had a lot, and I mean A LOT of blood drawn for all the tests that they run when first becoming pregnant. After a long wait, I was also granted an ultrasound. The baby was one week further than what we had thought, which is nice for me! We got to see a little spec on the screen with a rapidly beating heart. Everything looks good, so far! As of today, I am 10 weeks pregnant and VERY happy to say that I have avoided morning sickness completley! I have no idea how I got so lucky! I tire easily, but I will take that anyday. My next appointment is on June 30th where we will get to hear the heartbeat over a doppler.
We joined a play group that our friend has started. We meet every Friday for a couple hours to play with some good friends. We look forward to going every week. We also got a pool pass for the summer, but have yet to find a good day to go. We are hoping to go this Tuesday as long as the weather stays nice.
Other than that we have just been playing outside, seeing Grandparents, and having lots of fun!